Computing 0-Day Clothing
Welcome. Please take off your hat (black or white, here we don't care) This section is for hackers, pentesters, exploit developers, script kiddies, security paranoids, old school phreakers, botnet controllers and ISO 27001 dickheads. Watch your log trail and mind the IDS or you'll end up isolated in our honeynet. Have fun.
Milw0rmMilw0rm The KeyloggerThe Keylogger The Fork BombThe Fork Bomb The Warez Scene Scan! Xploit! Own! Own the Phone 0-Day Be r00t Down with the Great Firewall Fear the Botnet Fear the DDoS Attack Fear the Honeypot Fear the Trojan Horse Keep Calm and Wipe the Logs SQL Injection The Man in the Middle Sniff Packets Not Drugs Ransomware Password Requirements Killing the 0-day Industry Port Scanning is Not a Crime OR 1=1 Security Through Obscurity Evil John the Ripper Uses Nmap Phreaking Hacker Emblem