- TV/Movie Wardrobe/Costume Design: you'd like our products to be worn by characters in a movie or TV show, or you'd like to use our designs to create other apparel or decorations for a movie or TV show.
- Printed Media: you'd like to use our designs as illustrations for printed media, such books or a magazines, either inside or in the cover page.
- Online Media: you'd like to use our designs in a website, video or social media.
- Merchandising: you'd like to use our designs in apparel to be distributed internally inside your company, or given away for free to others as part of a marketing activity.
- Commercial Apparel: you'd like to use our designs in apparel that you are planning to sell.

And provide the following information:
- Purpose: Please describe the purpose of your request with as much detail as possible. Include what are you planning to do with our designs or products, what audience would they reach, and why we should grant you permission to use them.
- Location: Please describe where the assets would be used. If it's in a physical place, include venue, city and country. If it's a virtual place, include name and URL.
- Quantity: If applicable, include how many items with our design you'd expect to buy from us, or to produce yourself
- Designs/Products: Please include a list of designs that you need permission for. You can find the name of each design when you click on them from the main page or any of the design categories. If unsure, just include an screenshot.
- Company: Please indicate which company is requesting the persmission.
- Timelines: If you have any specific timelines, please provide details on when you need permission by.